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The benefits of learning Latin dance for children
Latin dance is a kind of sports dance. Its leg and foot movement, waist and crotch twisting and pulling, and arm swinging can make people exercise all over the body. Beautiful music and passionate rhythm can make children feel happy, devote themselves to the happy art world and relax all over.

Children's national standard dance is an elegant art and an important content of quality education. It not only shapes children's body and enhances their physique, but also cultivates children's music and dance literacy, enhances children's creative consciousness and cultivates children's spirit of hardship. The unique strength and beauty teaching of Latin dance can improve students' physical and psychological quality, exercise their courage and increase their knowledge. Children's learning Latin dance has the following advantages:

1. Beautiful shape. Children who are in the period of growth and development will become upright and beautiful after dance training (such as raising their chest, raising their head and closing their abdomen), and can correct physical problems such as hunchback.

2. Action coordination. Dance requires the cooperation of all parts of the body. Through the coordination training of music and dance movements, children will gradually master the sense of rhythm.

3. Improve limb flexibility and flexibility. Due to the frequent practice of leg pressing, splitting, lower waist and other movements, it will improve the flexibility and flexibility of children's body movement.

4. Exercise perseverance. Training from basic skills can cultivate children's spirit of fearing hardship and temper their strong will.

5. Improve physical quality. Dancing requires a certain amount of physical strength, which can enhance children's digestive function, improve physical resistance, avoid children's obesity or emaciation, and cultivate children's elegant temperament.

6. Cultivate self-confidence. Improve children's performance ability, so that children do not have stage fright, enhance self-confidence, strong expression and excellent psychological quality.

7. Cultivate aesthetic emotion. Dance expresses the inner world through music, action, expression and posture, so that children can imperceptibly accept the influence of artistic performance, love life more, and discover, appreciate and experience beauty.

8. Cultivate children's imagination. Dance is expressed through body, action and eyes. In the process of dancing, it can stimulate children's imagination and creativity, especially self-made and self performed works, which can promote children's intellectual development.

9. Enhance children's sense of collective honor. Dances include solo dance, duet dance and group dance. Only with tacit understanding can they perform well, which will cultivate children's spirit of mutual assistance and cooperation and collective consciousness. Feng Hongjun